Thank you for helping me with my OCD. It was a real issue for me, I couldn’t go anywhere without fretting over germs and frantically washing my hands or sanitising them. I always knew it was excessive, but I just couldn’t help myself. Thankfully that is now over, I just don’t feel that anxiety like before, it’s gone! I know my body has a strong immune system, and is designed to deal with everyday germs, just like millions of other people’s bodies do everyday. I don’t quite know what you did, but it’s amazing! Thank you!
“I used to do a fair bit of cocaine recreationally on the weekends. When I was younger I seemed to handle it ok, but it was really beginning to take a toll on me. Usually after a cocaine/alcohol session on a weekend, It would often take me 3-4 days to fully recover, and then before I knew it, it was the weekend again. I was lucky to get one day out of seven with a relatively clear head. It truly is an evil drug, and it was destroying my life. I could feel my immune system getting weaker and I knew I had to stop, or it would soon stop me. I had tried so many times to stop, and always failed miserably. However, after coming in to see you a number of times, I finally managed to stop! THANK GOD! Now I say NO with conviction. I just want nothing to do with it anymore. And it’s been relatively easy to stop, far easier that I thought it would be. I can be out with my friends having a drink, and no longer equate the two together (as I would have done in the past). I’m truly done with it! So thanks! I really mean that.”
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Disclaimer: Some people respond better to hypnosis than others. No hypnotherapist can guarantee 100% success with every single client.