This program is for those who are at an impasse in their life, feeling lost or directionless. We will guide you to find your own answers to what truly inspires, where you can then gain clarity as to what YOU want to do with your life, and how best to proceed going forward. This is truly a breakthrough program! It will feel like a weight has been lifted from you …the joy and enthusiasm for life will begin to flow again! Life is not a dress rehearsal ….we are ALL on this earth to BE & DO …right now. This is the arena of ACTION …It is the arena where we get to CREATE our reality by using our skills and talents to the best of our ability …It is after all The Great Game. However sometimes, we ALL can get stuck, thrown off balance, and lose our way …it happens to the best of us. And it’s at times like these one should seek the quickest and most efficient way out …and that is what we’re here to help you achieve.

0203 793 5265

(if you are calling after business hours, please leave a message, and we will call you back)
Disclaimer: Some people respond better to hypnosis than others. No hypnotherapist can guarantee 100% success with every single client.


This program follows up from the previous one, where now that you KNOW what you want to do …it’s time to actually DO IT and achieve massive success in it!

Although for people who already know what they want to do (or are doing it to some degree), but are stuck as to how exactly to go about doing it, then this is the program for you too. We will guide you through the steps needed to achieve your success goals, mapping out the mini goals, steps and process for enhancing your success in as efficient a way as possible! Yes you WILL have to do your own work, but when you work ‘smarter’ and focus your energies on the right things …you will be amazed at the results!

Note: for both these programs, Jalal puts all his skills and experience to use. Many people have had breakthroughs just by listening to him share his own experience and advice on these matters, as he is one who has already walked the path of success. And apart from guiding his clients to create their own SUCCESS BLUEPRINTS, he has formulated SPECIALISED METHODS for enhancing and speeding up your journey to success …while allowing you to enjoy the process as you go along. And of course a further benefit, which most other ‘success planners or coaches’ cannot give, is the fact that IF you should come across a stumbling block, or uncover some fear …then Jalal HAS the skills to help you overcome that obstacle, by either using hypnotherapy, NLP, or one of the many tools he has in his extensive bag of tricks.

These are truly unique personalised BREAKTHROUGH PROGRAMS designed to effect massive changes in a person life. The cost of these sessions is £500/hour. This is very reasonably priced considering his experience and mastery in the field. There are many people who charge 10’s of thousands of pounds for such work. The number of sessions people will need will vary from case to case, as people often have issues come up that need to be dealt with, and such things do vary from client to client. But approximately 5 sessions is what usually works. There will also be certain homework he will ask clients to do, so as to shorten the time that they need with him. So it is imperative that people do this. To your Success!


0203 793 5265

(if you are calling after business hours, please leave a message, and we will call you back)
Disclaimer: Some people respond better to hypnosis than others. No hypnotherapist can guarantee 100% success with every single client.