HYPNOTIQ® is a unique ‘Success Clinic’ in the heart of Central London (Notting Hill). HYPNOTIQ was founded by Jalal Jhamaney to provide PREMIUM SUCCESS RESULTS for clients looking to solve the many issues that have been holding them back in life, as well as to provide solutions and plans of action for going forwards in their life, with ease, joy, and lasting success. We use a combination of Advanced Hypnotherapy, NLP, Success Coaching, and other Specialist Techniques to help achieve these results.
HYPNOTHERAPY & NLP (see full list of Treatments and services here)
So whether you just want to tackle a particular problem in your life, such as stopping smoking, breaking bad habits, losing weight, getting over a phobia or fear, or getting over sadness and loss and many more …HYPNOTIQ is the place to go to.
SPECIALIST SUCCESS PROGRAMS (see more details on specialist success programs)
We also provide ‘SPECIALIST PROGRAMS’. These have been uniquely created by Jalal Jhamaney to solve the deeper issues that one can face in life, and move people forwards!
0203 793 5265
(if you are calling after business hours, please leave a message, and we will call you back)
Disclaimer: Some people respond better to hypnosis than others. No hypnotherapist can guarantee 100% success with every single client.
Adv. DipHyp. GHR (Reg) GQHP, CH (NGH), NLP (MPrac), LLB (Hons), MBA (Geneva).
Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP Master Practitioner, Success Coach.
He is officially registered with:
- The General Hypnotherapy Register
- The Hypnotherapy Association
- The National Council for Hypnotherapy
- The National Guild of Hypnotists (USA)
- The Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council
- The Society of Neuro Linguistic Programming
- The International Association of Professional Conversational Hypnotists
- The International Hypnosis Federation
Jalal is a Master Hypnotherapist, Neuro-Linguistic Programmer, and Success Coach/Strategist …but more important than that, he is a master in GETTING RESULTS, because that is what he believes truly MATTERS at the end of the day. Indeed one of his many advantages, is that he enjoys getting his clients results in an as short a time as possible, as he believes that for most issues, the solutions are very simple, as long as you understand the issues. Hence he takes the time to get to what is at the heart of the matter, and then is able to tailor his sessions effectively and efficiently.
“When you understand the issue fully enough …the solution is simple enough”
~ Jalal Jhamaney
However that said, there are also many cases where there IS a need to go deeper in order to get the desired results. In such cases, Jalal will go as deep as is needed to help the client attain the results they are looking for.
Jalal has spent many years honing his skills. Unlike many therapists and personal development ‘experts’ out there, Jalal has actually achieved success in real-world situations, having previously built and run multi-million pound companies, bringing them to the HIGHEST levels of excellence required to thrive in the 21st century, as well as achieving his own personal success goals. His methods are truly unique, but more importantly THEY ARE PROVEN TO WORK & PROVIDE RESULTS.
Jalal, a natural explorer and adventurer, spent many years travelling the world in search of new techniques and methods to solve the problems and issues in his own life, as well as of those whom he knew. His travels took him to the four corners of the world, and sometimes even beyond the confines of our worldly senses. Indeed after many years of experimenting with different techniques and methods for affecting personal change in a human being, he has managed to formulate his own unique style, which seamlessly blends Hypnosis, NLP, Success Coaching, Strategy, Journeywork, Releasing and Letting Go, into a FORMIDABLE SUCCESS FORMULA. So powerful is this formula that he often interchanges them automatically and naturally to provide quite dramatic changes in people’s lives …so much so, that even a simple conversation with someone, can leave them feeling as if a huge weight has been lifted.
So what is Jalal’s philosophy on life?
His philosophy is simple …life is short, and the idea of life is to LIVE LIFE AS FULLY, AND AS HAPPILY AS YOU CAN. Because this is how we learn and grow as human beings. And to be happy and fulfilled in life, you need to have a few CORE ESSENTIALS:
- To be in the best possible health (physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually), as without health, nothing much in life is very pleasant.
- To be brutally honest with yourself, about who you are and what you REALLY want for yourself and your life. Whilst this sounds simple, most struggle with this. Why? because most of us have ‘programs or belief systems’ running in our unconscious minds that we took on at a very early age in our life (without our choosing) …which are CONTRADICTORY to who we really are or what we really want for ourselves, and hence that feeling of ‘inner conflict’. The sooner one is honest about what they really want, the sooner they may actually HAVE what they really want …and thus be happier and more fulfilled. So BE COURAGEOUS and trust yourself.
- Something to do that you enjoy, whatever that may be for YOU at that particular time in your life, and which can ideally (or at least have the potential) to provide you with a standard of living that fulfils you. This is probably THE most important thing a person can do for themselves, because we all need to DO SOMETHING in life. And because you’ll most likely spend the majority of your ‘waking life’ on doing and being this, it’s important that you actually enjoy what you do …and if you do …the chances are you’ll be happy and fulfilled most of the time
- Something to look forward to, and strive for in life …an achievable goal of some sort that inspires you to move beyond your current level.
- To always love, approve, and believe in yourself, (as much as you can). Because if you can’t do this for yourself, nobody else is likely to either. And those who don’t love themselves, will find it very difficult to love, and accept love from others.
- Do your job. This means, don’t worry about what others are doing (or pretending that they’re doing on social media etc), just FOCUS ON YOUR LIFE, and what you need to do …and you’ll start seeing massive results in your life …very quickly!
- Don’t take yourself too seriously (as they say …it’s not like anyone gets out of here alive). In other words, life is NOT about being a saint or being perfect. That would be a very painful, boring, and stressful experience to maintain! So give yourself a break and JUST GO FOR IT. And YES you’re going to make mistakes along the way …that is how we learn and grow. Human beings are perfectly imperfect! So don’t ever waste time beating yourself up for past mistakes …just brush it off, (learn from it), and move on. Be honest with yourself as to what makes YOU happy, and then have the courage to BE and DO that …and you’ll naturally grow and evolve in perfect harmony with your own Unique Soul Plan. It’s a GAME after all, and the trick is to PLAY THE GAME.
“…And once a person HAS these core elements (and understandings), or at least the foundations of these in place …MAGIC BEGINS TO HAPPEN! You’ll find that you’re naturally more happier and fulfilled, you’ll find that you start becoming MAGNETIC & ATTRACTIVE. You’ll find loving relationships fall into your lap effortlessly, you’ll find that you now have more avenues opening up for you. Avenues to increase your happiness, love, wealth, health and quality of life. In short, OPPORTUNITIES START INCREASING MASSIVELY, of which you must then ACT UPON! …in other words …you now start LIVING!
However as with all of us at some time or other, we can sometimes get lost in one of life’s many pitfalls, either because a traumatic event shook us to our core, such as the loss of a loved one, the breakup of a relationship, the loss of a job, a sudden illness, the taking on of beliefs which do not serve us, or simply just the gradual accumulation of stress. We can then get stuck in a rut or a loop which keeps us in a negative cycle of despair, which then continually repeats itself in our minds, and hence in our lives. Or in many cases we find ourselves constantly held back by some of those ‘bad-habits’ …which perhaps gave us something when we were younger …but now they are like ever-growing weights upon our backs, forever weighing us down and holding us back from living the lives we truly want for ourselves.
And it’s at moments like these, we finally say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH …it’s time I DID something about it! And this is when many people DECIDE TO TAKE ACTION & MAKE THAT CALL …and THIS, believe it or not is where 90% of the healing comes from ….from THAT decision to take responsibility for your life and DO something about that issue right now …from that decision to ask for help. Trust me, this is not a judgement call, as many of the challenges that I help people with today, I’ve gone through myself. Nobody is perfect, and no one is meant to be. The idea is simply to learn and grow from these challenges …to become more of who we really are. This way we can LIVE LIFE more fully. Many people (including therapists) are very confused about what it means to be living life. Unfortunately many are under the impression that life is all about being ‘good’ …or somehow being perfect …WRONG. whilst many people REALLY DO need to get rid of certain bad habits …there are many people out there who actually NEED a little backbone installed in them! …maybe even a little naughty streak! And this is why I love this work. It’s all about BALANCE. Some will need to ‘reign it in a bit’ …and some may need to ‘let rip’ a little more. The idea is to fill out those parts of you that are missing so that you become a COMPLETE person, with varied experiences …because after all, this life is ALL about experience. And the ultimate level, is in CREATING THE EXPERIENCE THAT YOU REALLY WANT FOR YOURSELF and then LIVING THAT EXPERIENCE …and THIS is what I excel in helping people achieve.
We ALL need help in life. Indeed if you examine the lives of successful people, businessmen and women, A- list celebrities, or professional athletes …you’ll notice that they ALL have one thing in common …they’re not afraid of asking for help to make their lives and careers better. They have TEAMS of advisors, professionals, coaches, and therapists helping them on a daily basis with all sorts of issues.”
“So why do so many of us think that WE can get by without any help whatsoever? This is just plain inefficient, don’t you think? …it’s like wasting unnecessary time and effort in trying to re-invent the wheel again, when in actual fact you don’t need to. Indeed it is usually the wise and successful who understand the benefit of seeking help …for they understand one secret ….no man is an island. We all need each other, and therefore one should always get the BEST help one can get. I myself have spent hundreds of thousands of pounds on my own personal development, and it has ALWAYS been the greatest investment I have ever made. Never once did I regret ‘investing in myself’ …for unlike the stock market, and other external entities, in which we have little control over …when you invest in yourself, you will ALWAYS GROW AND REAP THE BENEFITS of such an investment, with each new investment building upon the other. Some investments will be in learning new skills, some will be in getting advice from professionals in their field, some will be in getting therapy and healing, some will be in getting new direction, ideas, and inspiration to propel your life (and business) forwards …each of these investments strengthen the other …much like adding new strings to a bow …and soon that bow is STRONG & POWERFUL! …ready to fire yourself into a successful life, in the direction of your dreams!”
However as with most things in this world, the skill and experience of a practitioner varies greatly from person to person. Hence for work like this, I would always suggest you use a Master Practitioner … someone who KNOWS what they are doing, someone who has proved it in real life …as it really DOES make all the difference, as far getting results are concerned.
“I truly enjoy solving problems and finding innovative solutions for enhancing one’s experience of life, which is why I thoroughly enjoy my work …indeed I find it a great honour and privilege to be in a position to do such work. It’s both hugely satisfying, and at the same time humbling. And on this note I wish you all the best for the future, and if we can in any way be of service to you, then please do call us now on 0203 793 5265 …and let us help you MAKE THAT SHIFT. This is what we are here for.”
Jalal Jhamaney
0203 793 5265
(if you are calling after business hours, please leave a message, and we will call you back)
Disclaimer: Some people respond better to hypnosis than others. No hypnotherapist can guarantee 100% success with every single client.