Money & Success
Public Speaking Success

Do you know what you need to do, but struggle to find the motivation to get started and actually JUST DO IT?
At HYPNOTIQ we will use proven methods to rid you of the sub-conscious blocks that have stopped you from moving forwards (which is often a HUGE part in lacking motivation), as well as installing resources that will motivate you to take action and feel good about it!

Are you holding YOURSELF back from making the money and success you desire?
Most of the time, people have seriously negative subconscious programs running in their minds about MONEY, SUCCESS or even FAME. For example, you could have been told that ‘money was the root of all evil’ as a child. Or that money is not spiritual, and it’s only for the greedy of this world. This kind of programming is quite common, but nonetheless totally debilitating. As this will sabotage almost EVERY attempt you make, to try and increase your wealth, no matter how much you try consciously …BECAUSE UNCONSCIOUSLY you’re actually saying “I don’t like it …and I don’t want it” …and bearing in mind that your unconscious mind is 90% of your mind, it now becomes clear as to why you haven’t yet achieved your conscious mind’s wealth objectives.
Let us help you remove those negative programs about money and success, so that you CAN start achieving the success you deserve. Money after all is only a tool …but a necessary one in this world. So if you think it’s time you changed your relationship with money …then do give us a call, and soon you could be surprised at how things change financially for you ….how new opportunities suddenly appear …how you now feel comfortable in charging appropriately for the services you provide or the goods you sell.
Indeed at HYPNOTIQ we specialise in this type of work, and I have helped many people transform their relationship to money …and as a result transformed their wealth and success. This type of program can have many levels to it …depending on how far you wish to succeed. However to achieve results, I will usually need 3-4 sessions. There will be some fun exercises and homework as well.
And so if you feel that you’re finally ready to allow money to flow into your life and feel good about it, then please do CALL US NOW and make a booking. It could very well be the best investment you ever made.
0203 793 5265
(if you are calling after business hours, please leave a message, and we will call you back)
Disclaimer: Some people respond better to hypnosis than others. No hypnotherapist can guarantee 100% success with every single client.

Did you know that public speaking ranks as one of the greatest fears people have, if not the greatest? In fact our fear of standing up in front of a group of people and speaking, is so great, that it often ranks higher than the fear of death. So you’re not alone in having this fear …or even if you think you could come across much better than you currently do.
The reason for this fear is simple …it’s a fear of rejection …a fear ‘they’ may not like us …or laugh at us. HOWEVER good news, is that we can treat this problem fairly easily.
Obviously you will be prepared and know your stuff, before you speak to a group of people …this is a given. And as long as you KNOW you have something valuable to share …then shouldn’t you be feeling excited about sharing that which is within you, with others? …of course!
Imagine how it would feel to be EXCITED & ENTHUSIASTIC to share what you have to say …where the more people that are there …the more excited and enthusiastic you’ll feel & be!
At HYPNOTIQ we will use advanced hypnotherapy and NLP to change the way you think and feel about speaking publicly. We will break those old fear patterns, so that instead you’ll now FEEL GOOD about speaking …because when you have something to say, and have the chance to express yourself IT IS A GOOD THING! We will give you tools to enhance your ‘state’, so you feel confident, so that your body language oozes confidence from within to without. Because after all it really is a matter of confidence, and your audience will pick up on that. And when YOU ARE confident and enthusiastic about wanting to share that which is within you …THEY FEEL IT TOO! so imagine feeling GOOD about speaking to a group of people …it’s really quite a thrill! …and soon you’ll know what that feels like. And you’ll probably want to do it again and again!
So if you’re ready to enhance your public speaking abilities, and allow yourself to shine, and share the wonderful information you want to share, then please do CALL US NOW, and we will be happy to assist you in become the confident, successful speaker that we know you are. It usually takes about 2-3 sessions to achieve results.
0203 793 5265
(if you are calling after business hours, please leave a message, and we will call you back)
Disclaimer: Some people respond better to hypnosis than others. No hypnotherapist can guarantee 100% success with every single client.