• Get oven an Ex and move on

  • Fear of rejection

  • Jealousy

  • Confidence

  • Enjoy better more fulfilling relationships

Relationships between two human beings are complex affairs at the best of times …as is the relationship we have with OURSELF. Often what needs to be healed is the relationship we have with ourselves, for if we don’t love ourselves, (or there are subconscious blocks to loving ourselves that need to be dealt with), then this this will affect almost EVERY relationship we have …and this usually translates into not being able to see and accept love from others. At HYPNOTIQ we use unique techniques and skills to help you overcome those obstacles within you …and therefore once you make those inner changes, you’ll notice that the outside world changes to reflect that. It’s like looking into a mirror with a frown and expecting to see a smile reflected back …that’s not going to happen is it? Indeed to change that image that you see in the mirror, to that of a smile …YOU must smile first, and then the mirror will faithfully reflect back to you, that which you are. What you give out (sub consciously), is what you’ll get reflected back to you as the reality you experience …and such is life.


Getting over and ex lover can be a huge issue for many people, as they feel rejected at a very deep level. Now whilst it may seem like a small issue, it truly can be totally debilitating. As a person in this trap can never really move on and see all the other wonderful opportunities waiting for them. This can often leave a person in a state of depression and deep sadness, often blaming themselves and beating themselves up constantly. However the good news is that this is actually fairly easy to treat with hypnosis and NLP.


Gaining confidence to approach people is another thing that is fairly easy to overcome, where we’ll help you remove the fear of rejection or failure, so that you actually CAN go after what you really want, without fear. This also includes gaining confidence to ‘make yourself available’ for others to approach you, where instead of of hiding away, you will look forward to meeting new people.


Jealousy is a very common problem in relationships to varying degrees. It can cause people great anxiety and stress and lead to the eventual (and inevitable) breakup of the relationship. People who experience this, will often feel paranoid about their partner, feeling very insecure. They will constantly check their partner’s phones, email, and social media accounts …looking to find something. This is obviously not a healthy way to maintain a relationship, and certainly a very stressful condition to be living under on a daily basis. At HYPNOTIQ we will use specialised techniques to neutralise those old triggers that would normally send you into a ‘jealous spin’. We also get to the root of the issue and neutralise the cause of this condition at it’s root. We also provide you with strategies and new ways of dealing dealing with issues in your life, so as to empower you on a more permanent basis going forwards. Because let’s face it, being jealous is not an attractive trait. If on the other hand there is good reason to believe that your partner IS indeed cheating, we can help you with strategies and state’s of mind to deal with this effectively. Either way there is no need for you to suffer with this any longer, and neither should you.


Indeed confidence IS sexy, and we can show you how to have confidence about who you are, and what you do …and when you have this feeling, your life will be so much more pleasurable and enjoyable (for both of you), as this will positively affect your general demeanour, your sex life, and your life in general …all of which make for a healthy relationship.


Indeed the bedrock of all successful relationships is COMMUNICATION. Those partners that communicate (truthfully) with each other are more likely to succeed in a relationship as compared to those who don’t …it’s just the facts. We can help you be a stronger and more confident communicator, so that you can communicate your needs effectively to your partner, without feeling bad about it …and instead knowing that this only helps BOTH of you, to truly grow your relationship into something that you BOTH want …after all that is why it’s called a relationship.

So don’t waste any more time troubling your mind over old relationships, or worrying about what could go wrong with the one’s you’re in …either way we can help you make those changes, that will help you both move forwards. So do CALL US NOW and let us help you and your relationships prosper. Sessions can vary from 2 – 5 depending on issues.

0203 793 5265

(if you are calling after business hours, please leave a message, and we will call you back)
Disclaimer: Some people respond better to hypnosis than others. No hypnotherapist can guarantee 100% success with every single client.