Insomnia is a highly distressing condition, because it leaves you feeling tired for the whole day, and frustrated at night because you can’t sleep. Insomniacs find themselves trying desperately to fall asleep, and the more they try …the harder it is.


  • People have trouble actually falling asleep
  • People fall asleep fine, but wake up during the night
  • People have both trouble falling asleep, and even when they do, they still wake up in the night.

When you book an appointment to see us, we will go through various changes that may need to made to your evening routine so as to help you sleep easier and deeper.

However more often than not, sleep issues are usually the result of emotional issues that need to be resolved, as well as not being able to ‘switch off’ when it’s time to go to sleep.

Using proven Hypnosis techniques we will get to the root of any issues and patterns that have been stopping you from falling asleep, as well showing how to let go of your thoughts before you sleep, so that you can simply switch off and fall sleep deeply …and wake up in the morning feeling fully rejuvenated and refreshed, and ready to start the day!

I have successfully treated many clients for insomnia. The difference this makes to their lives is dramatic, as we all need to recharge, so as to live our days more fully. It usually takes me about 2-3 sessions to treat this issue, unless there are deeper underlying emotional issues that need to be dealt with.

So if you’ve been struggling to fall asleep and stay asleep during the night, please do CALL US NOW and make a booking, so that you can finally put those sleepless night behind you, and actually look forward to knowing you’ll fall asleep easily and effortlessly.

0203 793 5265

(if you are calling after business hours, please leave a message, and we will call you back)
Disclaimer: Some people respond better to hypnosis than others. No hypnotherapist can guarantee 100% success with every single client.