(Interesting articles, images, and videos about hypnosis & personal development)



There has been much confusion over the years about the effectiveness of hypnotherapy…even though the results have been overwhelmingly spectacular!

One of the main reasons why such confusion has pervaded public opinion at large, is because of ‘stage hypnosis’. Many of us have seen volunteers come up on stage and act like chickens or be as stiff as a plank, or forget their name and countless other scenarios. Not to mention recent TV programs.

And yes this is a form of hypnosis. And whilst it can be very entertaining and amusing, it has often had the effect of making people relegate hypnosis to the realms of amusement or even quackery. However one should remember this is only ONE aspect of hypnosis. And even in this context it DOES provide conclusive evidence of the power of hypnosis.

For example in the book “The Holographic Universe’, Michael Talbot shares an astounding personal revelation about the power of hypnosis. Michael’s father had hired a hypnotist to entertain his friends at his home. The hypnotist then proceeded to hypnotise one of the guests (Tom), with the instructions to his subconscious, that after he exited the trance, his young daughter would be invisible to him.

Sure enough his daughter was completely invisible to him (even though she was standing right in front of him). Furthermore whilst the daughter was still standing in front of Tom and facing him, the hypnotist then concealed an object behind the daughter, and pressed it against her back, so that Tom would have no way of knowing what it was.

The hypnotist then asked Tom to identify the object (hidden behind his daughter standing in front him). Tom immediately identified the object as a watch, and even went further to describe the inscription on it accurately. In other words TOM LITERALLY SAW THROUGH HIS DAUGHTER in order to identify the object!

In hypnosis this is called a ‘negative hallucination’ …ie NOT seeing something that is right there (namely his daughter). The hypnotist then revealed that the object was indeed a watch, and that Tom was correct in his reading of the inscription. He then passed the watch around the room so that all could verify this (I’m sure to gasps of disbelief).

And fundamentally BELIEFS is what hypnosis is really all about. Because as we can see here, Tom was instructed to remove his daughter from his awareness, to the extent that she would be invisible to him …and as we saw from above, he literally couldn’t see her! and hence his mind had simply programmed her out of his reality.


Now imagine if you could remove the belief that you have an addiction …well quite simply, you just wouldn’t have it anymore. …AND THAT my friends, is the power of hypnosis.


A resounding YES is the short answer. Hypnosis works so very effectively, because it talks directly to the SUBCONSCIOUS MIND …the 90% of your mind. It’s the part of your mind that is effectively the hard-drive computer of your mind.

Essentially when you’re born, you only have the basic ‘programs’ running in your ‘hard- drive’. Programs that we need to keep us alive automatically …things like your heart rate, your breathing, your circulation etc.

However usually from the ages of 0-7, we start absorbing NEW programs almost instantly …without question. These programs about our reality will most likely be given to us from our parents, our school etc. And so whatever we have been taught to believe is possible at this age …usually sticks! And unfortunately many parents, guardians, & school teachers can imprint highly negative programs upon children (not because they’re trying to do so …but simply because that’s what was given to them).

Then later on in life we take on more programs …either because someone inspired us …or perhaps a traumatic event happened to us …and so these too went into our hard-drive as programs, and became our BELIEFS.

Lets take someone who had a bad experience as a child with one dog (whether or not that dog was actually violent to the child or not does not really matter) …what matters is how that child perceived that incident. IF the child perceived it as a fearful event …the child’s anxiety response (fight or flight responses) would naturally be heightened at THAT moment to help the child deal with that perceived traumatic event.

Now in most cases, we learn that THAT EVENT was a one off, and soon we’re playing with dogs again and having fun. However in other cases, the child may develop a PHOBIA towards dogs. So much so that every time they now see or even think of a dog …they feel anxious or fearful …even though they’re now a grown up adult, and there is no real danger.

Why? – Because that ‘program’ that was installed at THAT early period, is now what their subconscious mind BELIEVES as their truth in relation to dogs (ie all dogs are dangerous) …and until that program is changed/overwritten …the subconscious mind will simply play-out that program continuously and automatically forever.

What hypnosis does, is to go back into the subconscious mind and RE-WRITE that (unhelpful) belief …and once the subconscious can see, that there is no use for that old limiting belief …it discards it …and more importantly IT HAS A NEW PROGRAM/BELIEF TO FOLLOW INSTEAD. …and this is how hypnosis works and WHY it’s so effective. It’s effective because it re-programs the part of your mind which actually STORES that negative program/belief (your powerful Unconscious Mind, the 90% of your mind). And hence it’s dealing with the root cause of the issue (not merely the symptoms), and hence the change is lasting and as we can see HIGHLY EFFECTIVE. Indeed in my view it is THE most effective modality for change on the planet.

Now this is of course just one example of hypnosis. However hypnosis has been used EXTREMELY SUCCESSFULLY to treat all sorts of things, from:

  • addictions,
  • to phobias,
  • to depression,
  • to anxiety,
  • to getting over loss,
  • to performance enhancement
  • replacement for anaesthetics in actual surgery!
  • and much more!

Indeed many more people are turning to hypnosis than ever before …businessmen & women, celebrities, sports professionals and many more normal people like you and me. Why? – because it works! and it’s fast!

It works because Hypnotherapy tackles the ROOT of the problem, and deals with it at it’s source (as opposed to the symptoms).

Dr. Alfred A Barrios after conducting a survey in the field of psychotherapy, found that:

  • 93% of clients recover after 6 sessions of Hypnotherapy
  • 72% of clients recover after 22 sessions of Behavioural therapy
  • 38% of clients recover after 600 sessions of Psychoanalysis!

These statistics speak for themselves, as it clearly shows us that:
93% of people actually SUCCEED using hypnotherapy …as opposed to only 38% using psychoanalysis (ie seeing your shrink and getting nowhere), and on top of that, the people using hypnotherapy SUCCEED 100 times faster! …Thus more people succeed and they succeed faster! …it’s a no brainer, don’t you think?

In other words you SAVE BOTH TIME & MONEY USING HYPNOSIS, which means that you can get on with LIVING YOUR LIFE AGAIN …QUICKER, and simply be done with those old issues once and for all …and THAT is why I truly love hypnosis, and love the work I do. Why? …because it GETS RESULTS! …and it gets them fast.

So if you’ve ready to experience the beauty of hypnosis, and ready to make that change you’ve been thinking about for so long …then please do CALL US NOW, and let us help you MAKE THAT CHANGE.

0203 793 5265

(if you are calling after business hours, please leave a message, and we will call you back)
Disclaimer: Some people respond better to hypnosis than others. No hypnotherapist can guarantee 100% success with every single client.

Yours sincerely,
Jalal Jhamaney


“…making change easy”