• Anxiety & Panic Attacks

  • Stress Relief


There are more and more people suffering from anxiety in our modern age than ever before. It is far more common than you might think. Whilst a little anxiety is normal and often necessary to get certain functions done, it becomes a big problem when those anxious & worrying feelings take over, so much so that we can have panic attacks.

Anxiety is often a ‘learned’ response from our minds to a trauma or an event that happened in the past, however in an anxious person’s mind, they STILL perceive the threat as alive and real even though that trauma or event are no longer present, and hence they continually feel anxious. We use advanced hypnosis techniques to get the root of the problem, and thereby totally remove the cause of the anxiety from the individual, so that they never experience that anxiety ever again. We also use specialised Neuro Linguistic Programming techniques to eliminate any triggers to such anxieties once and for all.


Anxiety, Worry and Panic will usually take between 3-5 sessions. But the results are definitely worth it! Indeed many see tangible results after 1 or 2 sessions.

So if you are ready to finally get rid of anxiety once and for all, and TAKE BACK CONTROL of your mind and your life, and feel the liberating feeling of being free of this condition, please CALL US NOW and make a booking to see us in our comfortable and confidential Success Clinic in Notting Hill Gate W8.

We look forward to being of service to you.

0203 793 5265

(if you are calling after business hours, please leave a message, and we will call you back)
Disclaimer: Some people respond better to hypnosis than others. No hypnotherapist can guarantee 100% success with every single client.


Feeling drained and tired with life …feeling drawn out, stressed, tired?

Time to LET GO OF THAT STRESS! …you can’t worry about things that you have no control over ….Indeed worrying is the worst thing you can do, as it is effectively a ‘negative prayer’ in that, what you hold in mind – is what you create, and therefore if you’re continually stressed out, and ‘holding worry in mind’ about a certain situation…well guess what you’ll create? …exactly…more of the same.

Let us help you let go of that unnecessary stress and worry, and reprogram your mind to focus on what’s positive in your life, and the good things to come! …and most importantly to ENJOY THE PROCESS of doing what you’re doing in the moment. This is what many call ‘being present’.

Many people feel some sort of stress today to varying degrees. It’s easy to feel stressed out and overwhelmed with so many things bombarding our senses on a daily basis. We’ll teach you how to remove some of these unwanted and unneeded stresses from your life permanently, and re-organise your life in a way which gives you more time for YOU. Where you can feel more in control of your life. Where you’ll not worry so much about what ‘others’ are doing, and instead just focus on YOU ….and THAT really is the secret to living a successful life.

We’ll also teach you proven methods that you can use to de-stress at any time, some which you can do anywhere at anytime …and some you can do when you get home. I use these myself, and to be frank If I didn’t, I most likely wouldn’t be here right now.

You already know that stressing out about things is not a useful activity, as it only makes you feel bad and feel tired, so if you’re ready to let go of stress in your life, then do CALL US NOW to make a booking. I see more and more people everyday for stress related issues, and have helped many gain back control of their lives and their minds so that they can start enjoying the process of living once again.

Depending on the issues that come up, it usually takes about 3 sessions for me to achieve results.

0203 793 5265

(if you are calling after business hours, please leave a message, and we will call you back)
Disclaimer: Some people respond better to hypnosis than others. No hypnotherapist can guarantee 100% success with every single client.